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  • Frig Ultra Marathon 2024

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    Frig Ultra Marathon 2024

Register Event

  1. During the race participants will run on track which is marked by organization. Signs are min 10 mts max 100 mts apart as per condition of track.
  2. Following signs is runner's responsibility. Getting lost is in nature of trail races .
  3. Organization team can change the trail before the race. Runners will be informed concerning changes before the race.
  4. Some of the tracks can pass through roads that are opened to traffic. It is the responsibility of the participant to obey the traffic rules and pay attention to the vehicles and pass safely.
  5. Participants under the age of 18 can only participate with the permission of family the 6K and 12K .
  6. Each participant only has to sign his / her own waiver. Therefore, each participant can only take his own kit bag.
  7. Mandatory equipment control will be made at kit table ,right before start time. Kit delivery will not be made to the participants who do not show their mandatory equipment.
  8. Gönüllülük için [email protected] adresine e-mail atabilirsiniz veya apphurra.org üzerinden kayıt olabilirsiniz.
  9. FST22K, FMT28K ve FUM54K parkurları için katılımcıların koşmalarına engel olmadığını belirten 6 aylık bir sağlık belgesine veya bir spor federasyonundan onaylı sporcu lisansına sahip olmaları gerekmektedir.
  10. Participants aged 65 and over participate in the contest with their ECG and health report from the cardiologist.
  11. Kayıt olduktan 7 gün sonra yapılan iadeler %30 kesinti ile yapılır. (18 Ağustos 2024 tarihinden önce yapılan iade talepleri için geçerlidir.)
  12. 18 Ağustos 2024 tarihinden sonra yapılan iade taleplerinde kayıt ücreti iade edilmemektedir.
  13. 18 Ağustos 2024 tarihi itibariyle parkur değişikliği yapılamaz. 
  14. Hastalık yada sakatlık durumunda raporunu ibraz eden katılımcılara %30 kesinti ile iade yapılacaktır. 


  • Age groups are defined as under 40 years old, 40-49 years old, 50 years old and above.
  • Tüm yarışmalarda yarışma tarihi esas alınmak suretiyle, sporcunun doğum tarihinin ay ve gününe bakılarak yarışacağı yaş grubu tespit edilir. 
  • There are no prize money, there may be sponsor awards. Those who rank in the competition will be given a cup.
  • Those who are ranked in the general classification are not ranked in age groups. 


  • The runner who throws water bottles to the field will be disqualified. (Athlete who is complained of throwing a water bottle by 2 runners will be disqualified)
  • Not passing through any checkpoints.
  •  Taking a shortcut or vehicle.
  • Leaving a participant in need of help alone and not helping.
  • Refusing to be checked by medical staff.
  • Refusing to have mandatory materials checked by the organization.
  • Getting support outside of the check points
  • Runners who are disqualified are not allowed to continue running.